E Volut Ion Strateg Ies
ثبت نشده
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are general stochastic search heuristics often used to solve complex optimization problems. Unfortunately, EA theory is still somewhat weak with respect to providing a deeper understanding of EAs and guidance for the practitioner. In this paper we improve this situation by extending existing theory on the wellknown (1+1) EA to cover the (1 + ) EA, an EA that maintains an o spring population of size . Our goal is to understand how the value of a ects expected optimization time. We compare the (1 + ) EA with the (1+1) EA and prove that on simple unimodal functions no improvements are obtained for > 1. By contrast there are more complex functions for which sensible values of can decrease the optimization time from exponential to a polynomial of small degree with overwhelming probability. These results shed light on the role of and provide some guidelines for the practitioner.
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